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Announcing the launch of our new website!

Moe Majeed (mmajeed@netflare.dev) | Wed Jul 27 2022

We are very pleased to announce that we have launched our brand new marketing website where you can learn about our products, features, and services.

For those who have been following us for a while, you may know that we already have a marketing website. So, what is all the fuss about? To put it plainly, we haven’t had a chance to invest in our marketing website as we have been putting all our energy into building our actual product. Our previous attempts of building a marketing website have always been an afterthought, so it didn’t really get the attention and love it needed. In some ways, this did hurt us, as your marketing website is the first impression of how potential customers get to learn about your business. And, we definitely weren’t putting our best foot forward there.

What ultimately delayed the work on our marketing website was that we wanted to build a product that can speak for itself. From the very beginning, we wanted our marketing strategy to be based on showing you instead of telling you, but as the product was still being built, we didn’t have much to show you. But now, after a huge effort from our UX and Engineering team, we are finally at the stage where we feel proud to show you what we are offering.

When we finally got around to building the website, we made a decision to demo the product to you in small video snippets. What I’m really proud of, is that these video snippets are actually directly from the product itself, so you can get a mini-demo of Netflare before you even sign-up. I encourage you to go through it, and I would be really happy to hear your feedback.

Ticketing - https://beta.netflare.dev/product/ticketing/

Pager - https://beta.netflare.dev/product/pager/

Alarm - https://beta.netflare.dev/product/alarm/

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